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Automated financial services can curb graft

Automation of government financial services is critical for reducing corruption and resource misuse, said Salehuddin Ahmed, finance adviser to the interim government.
He made the remarks while inaugurating several new online platforms at the finance ministry yesterday.
Ahmed emphasised that integrating financial services into a unified digital system would improve transparency and accountability.
The newly launched platforms aim to streamline services provided by the Finance Division.
These include an updated iBAS++ website, the A-Chalan portal, a verification app for pensioners, and various online systems for managing leaves from work of government employees.
Ahmed highlighted the need for ongoing system upgrades and skilled personnel to maintain the efficiency of these platforms, as automation reduces direct interaction between service providers and recipients, curbing opportunities for corruption.
Md Nurul Islam, comptroller and auditor general of Bangladesh, and Md Abdur Rahman Khan, secretary to Internal Resources Division, were present at the event, presided over by Finance Secretary Khairuzzaman Majumder. 
